Wise Plugin Manager 1.28
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Wise Plugin Manager 1.28

Free Manage your plug-ins and browser extensions in an easy and effective way
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1.28.56 See all
WiseCleaner.com, Inc.
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5
Free   2 MB

Browser Helper Objects, plug-ins, toolbars, and other add-ons tend to accumulate in your browser with or without your consent. To switch them on or off as well as to get rid of them for good is not always as a straightforward task as expected. Wise Plugin Manager simplifies this action by allowing you to manage all the plug-ins in your Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and IE browsers with just a few clicks.

For some reason beyond me, some Internet browsers tend to hide among a jungle of settings, thus making it hard for not-so-skilled users to switch off or remove unwanted toolbars and other plug-ins that consistently make way through your browsers’ protection systems. Getting rid of these add-ons or simply switching them off is quite simple if you happen to have Wise Plugin Manager installed on your system.

In a simple and clear interface, it will list for you all the plug-ins present in any of the four more widely used Internet browsers – Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. This will save you the hassle of opening each of the browsers on your computer and finding your way through the various settings menus in order to locate the offender add-on. All the plug-ins will be shown categorized under extensions, plug-ins, BHO, toolbars, context menu, etc., according to the name given to them by each of these browsers.

Once you get to the add-on you are looking for, all you have to do is click on the corresponding icon in order to disable or remove it. Next time you open your favorite browser, the annoying feature will be gone. more

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Simple and clear interface
  • Easy switch on and off controls
  • Removes unwanted add-ons from your browsers
  • Supports the most widely used Internet browsers


  • None

Comments (1)

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rating Wyche
It can help improve browser performance, enhance security, and customize the browsing experience.

Feb 19, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply


  • Chrome plugin